Welcome to
The Sparks Foundation
...inspiring, innovating, integrating
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About us

Mission and Vision statement

The sparks foundation is working to bring parity in education, making sure children have equal opportunity at success, irrespective of the financial background.

To help us grow and help other underpriviliged children you can donate us using the button -


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We Organize Events, Allowing Students To Learn From The Masters In Their Fields. Get Inspired. Through Stories And Workshops, We Show Them Feasibility Of Big Dreams.


We Help Students And Enable Them To Move Forward, Get Unstuck From Any Unfavorable Situation. We Keep An Alternative Channel Open Always To Help Them, When School And People Around Are Not Enough.


We Conduct Internship Program To Help Students Be Ready For What Is Coming To Them In Their Career Ahead. To Know More About The GRIP Program, Scroll Down.

Contact me

Get in Touch

If you have any queries or comment , please contact me :

Srijan Verma
west Bengal, India
Message me